MY Daily Challenge



I’m taking on The Legacy Challenge to support our veterans’ families
It’s really important to me to give back to the partners and children whose loved ones have made the greatest sacrifice for our country. That’s why I’ve got my boots on the ground, and I’ve committed to The Legacy Challenge for 11 days straight in November.
I'm raising vital funds to help Legacy families in need.
My Challenge finishes on Remembrance Day, the 11th of November, when we get to honour those who died to protect our nation.
Please donate today! I hope I can count on your support!
And I’d love it if you’d join me in doing The Legacy Challenge and helping me spread the word about the good work Legacy does for our veterans’ families.
Thank you in advance for donating to my Challenge - it means a lot.
My Achievements


Added an image

In a team

First donation

Added a page update

50% of fundraising target

100% of fundraising target

Raised $500

Raised $1000

1 day complete

6 days complete

All 11 days complete
My Updates

Challenge Complete!
Monday 11th Nov Thank you to all who supported me in this fundraiser for Legacy. I am proud to have completed this challenge and to have raised a considerable amount with your support. It has been an honour to serve in this way, a small token of my appreciation for all that our service men and women do. Thank you x Share
Bring on tomorrow!
Thursday 31st Oct

Preparing for Legacy
Saturday 21st Sep I'm really excited to be doing this challenge and supporting such a worthy cause. Thank you to everyone who has donated thus far. I am thrilled to have found a way to ensure I get back into exercise and support those in need! ShareThank you to my Sponsors

Chelsea Albert

Thanks Chris, for setting out to make a big difference to a worthy cause. I'm sure you'll smash it with the same dedication and heart you bring to everything you do.

Pauline Wellfare
With all you have to fit into your day, this is a good challenge! The benefits will help you as well as Legacy.

Catherine Fitzpatrick
Well done Sis, kick butt!!

Therese V

Kalesita Harrison
Great job Christine. 👏👏👏

Pete Mcmanus
Amazing effort Christine. Keep it up. Veronica and Pete

Sean Grady
Goodluck on this great cause! Hope you smash your goals 👍 Sean, Kayla & Sophia

Christine Wellfare

Karen Harradence

Anne-wil Landman

Paula And Steve Austin

Shelley And Nick Morris

Gay Mcneill

Taryn Simpson
Smash it Chris!! Awesome work 💕

Catherine Casha
Good luck.

Kirsty Tan


Ainsley Wellfare
Good luck ! - Ainsley and Aidan

Brigid Chevereau
You're such a legend! And an inspiration!!

Lesley Harvey
Wonderful effort and cause, Christine. Go for Gold!!

Bev And Terry Fitzpatrick
What a wonderful achievement. Thank you to a wonderful daughter for thinking of others in need. Love Mum and Dad x 'Never see a Need without doing something about it' St Mary Mackillop.

Tina A

Catherine Cawte
Good on you Christine- for a great cause

Judith Farrell
Good on you Christine ! Good luck Best wishes Judy🎶🥳

Natalie Tolmie

Camp Family
Good luck!

Go Christine! Thanks for taking on the challenge to support Defence families.
Good luck!