MY Daily Challenge



I’m taking on The Legacy Challenge to support our veterans’ families
It’s really important to me to give back to the partners and children whose loved ones have made the greatest sacrifice for our country. That’s why I’ve got my boots on the ground, and I’ve committed to The Legacy Challenge for 11 days straight in November.
I'm raising vital funds to help Legacy families in need.
My Challenge finishes on Remembrance Day, the 11th of November, when we get to honour those who died to protect our nation.
Please donate today! I hope I can count on your support!
And I’d love it if you’d join me in doing The Legacy Challenge and helping me spread the word about the good work Legacy does for our veterans’ families.
Thank you in advance for donating to my Challenge - it means a lot.
My Achievements


Added an image

In a team

First donation

Added a page update

50% of fundraising target

100% of fundraising target

Raised $500

Raised $1000

1 day complete

6 days complete

All 11 days complete
My Updates
Day 11 - done and dusted
Tuesday 12th Nov Yes I finished the Legacy Challenge on Remembrance Day, a day when we cherish those who fought for our country’ s freedom.Day 10 and the Legacy Challenge is nearly at an end
Sunday 10th Nov These 10 days have passed so quickly. I wasn’t planning on losing weight and I don’t think I have but I was hoping to improve muscle strength a little bit and I think I have. But it’s not about me, it’s about raising the awareness of what Legacy is and what it does for our veterans families when the veteran passes on. And it’s about you, and your support, for this very worthy organisation, so thank you. ShareDay 9 and all is fine
Sunday 10th Nov 2 more days to go and I’ve enjoyed the challenge. Maybe I’ll keep going with it. ShareDay 8 and I’m going great
Friday 8th Nov In slight pain across shoulders and neck. But it’s all good! I just remind myself why I’m doing this challenge and I certainly don’t want to let down my fellow service personnel’s families. ShareDay 7 still going
Friday 8th Nov Here it is, Day 7 and I’m in heaven, doing great! And they said I wouldn’t last, ha!! Have increased (wall) pushups and sit-ups to 25 each and doing well. ShareDay 6 halfway through!
Wednesday 6th Nov I’m a legend, yes I am.Day 5 nearly halfway through!
Tuesday 5th Nov I’m nearly halfway through and managing it all pretty well. Am going to increase (wall) push-ups and sit ups by 5 for the remainder of the challenge! ShareDay 3 Yippee!
Monday 4th Nov And they said I wouldn’t last. Lol. All I can say is ….day 3 YIPPEE !!! ShareDay 2 and still going
Monday 4th Nov It’s day 2 and all is going great. You may think that 20 (wall) push ups, 20 sit-ups and 1 km walk isn’t much, but given my shoulder, knees and feet issues it’s the best I can do atm. And I appreciate your support and encouragement cos it’s all for our veterans families. So thank you. ShareDay 1 done!!
Friday 1st Nov I’ve done Day 1, only 10 to go. Go me! Go me! Only 10 days more. Can’t let my sponsors down or those whom I raising funds for.Thank you to my Sponsors

David Scott

Way to go mum!

Denise Bird
Great stuff Gale. Congratulations on your efforts, want to see some performance at some point..😉 Love your work ❤️.

Ren Linke
What a great cause. Good on you Gale.

Connie Mercieca
Good luck

Tracey Lewis

Rosemary Withers
You can do it Aunty Gale!

Show us the new guns! 💪

Go girl, Always happy to help Legacy. I was a Legatee and they did wonnderful things for me. Dave and Adele XXOO