MY Daily Challenge



I’m taking on The Legacy Challenge to support our veterans’ families
It’s really important to me to give back to the partners and children whose loved ones have made the greatest sacrifice for our country. That’s why I’ve got my boots on the ground, and I’ve committed to The Legacy Challenge for 11 days straight in November.
I'm raising vital funds to help Legacy families in need.
My Challenge finishes on Remembrance Day, the 11th of November, when we get to honour those who died to protect our nation.
Please donate today! I hope I can count on your support!
And I’d love it if you’d join me in doing The Legacy Challenge and helping me spread the word about the good work Legacy does for our veterans’ families.
Thank you in advance for donating to my Challenge - it means a lot.
My Achievements


Added an image

In a team

First donation

Added a page update

50% of fundraising target

100% of fundraising target

Raised $500

Raised $1000

1 day complete

6 days complete

All 11 days complete
My Updates

Tuesday 12th Nov If you want to see proof that I really did it, check this out: https://www.instagram.com/reel/DCOBjbUvkUB/?igsh=NHliNTF4NGt0eDd3 Share
Why Legacy?
Friday 1st NovWhen I was four years old, my dad, a returned Vietnam Veteran, passed away suddenly, leaving Mum to look after two girls on her own. I think Mum did a great job (my sister and I turned out okay…maybe?), but she did get a little help. Legacy stepped in to offer aid and support.
Legacy helped with so much. I always wondered why we got Christmas and Birthday presents from an elderly couple that we called Uncle and Aunty. And they allowed us to attend school holiday camps and weekends away with other kids who had also lost their fathers. It was such a relief to have friends who understood what we had experienced because they experienced it too. Then, when I got too old to attend camps as a Junior Legatee, I volunteered to help as a Leader. All of this shaped me into the person I am today.
ShareThank you to my Sponsors

Lobsterpot Solutions


Neil Fitzclarence
Well Done Kelly. Gret job

Michelle Tydeman
Amazing as always.

Kelly B

Bj Smith
Keep going lady. Great work.

Joy Woodhead
Well done Kelly.

Marita Brewster
Go Kelly. Looking forward to seeing those abs at Christmas.

Parul Chackungal
Amazing work, Kelly!

Go Kelly! Well done 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻

You continue to amaze me - go Kelly!

Proud of you!