MY Daily Challenge



I’m taking on The Legacy Challenge to support our veterans’ families
It’s really important to me to give back to the partners and children whose loved ones have made the greatest sacrifice for our country. That’s why I’ve got my boots on the ground, and I’ve committed to The Legacy Challenge for 11 days straight in November.
I'm raising vital funds to help Legacy families in need.
My Challenge finishes on Remembrance Day, the 11th of November, when we get to honour those who died to protect our nation.
Please donate today! I hope I can count on your support!
And I’d love it if you’d join me in doing The Legacy Challenge and helping me spread the word about the good work Legacy does for our veterans’ families.
Thank you in advance for donating to my Challenge - it means a lot.
My Achievements


Added an image

In a team

First donation

Added a page update

50% of fundraising target

100% of fundraising target

Raised $500

Raised $1000

1 day complete

6 days complete

All 11 days complete
My Updates

Day 11
Monday 11th Nov Absolutely stoked with my achievement, making the 11 days

Day 9
Saturday 9th Nov Body feels good , I feel good .. I can see the finish line and I’m stoked 🤘😊 Share
Day 8
Friday 8th Nov Absolutely nailed it today , felt good .. super proud getting 8 days in and not giving up 🙌 just 3 to go , went so fast 🤷🏼♀️ Share
Day 7
Thursday 7th Nov Feeling good with my achievements so far , 4 days left 👌
Day 6
Wednesday 6th Nov I struggled today with my push ups , feeling the fatigue in my muscles , they were a lot harder to get through
Day 5
Tuesday 5th Nov Feeling stronger , soreness has toned down abit and feel like the push ups are getting a tad easier 👌 Share
Day 4
Monday 4th Nov Not gonna lie , was feeling good until the first lot of push ups, but sore still in the left shoulder … but smashed it out still 👌 Share
Day 3
Sunday 3rd Nov Pushed hard today , definitely feeling the muscles working in the arms 💪
Day 2
Saturday 2nd Nov Shoulders were abit tender today but pushed through , enjoyed the sunshine was absolutely gorgeous today 🙌 Share
Day 1
Friday 1st Nov Managed my first day not to shabby , had to split up my push ups but got through it 💪 Share
Super proud of you hon